Thursday, July 29, 2010

art attack

This week I decided to check out what was on at the Art Gallery of WA, in Northbridge. I got there about 5 mins before a free tour was about to start so I loitered in the lobby thinking I'd join it and get some knowledgeable insight into the artwork. The leader came over and rallied the people waiting and they marched off towards the entrance... hmmm.... As I tentatively start to follow (*thinking this doesn't seem quite right*), I realise that the whole group are approximately 16 years old and it's actually a college/school outing that I'm about to gatecrash. Luckily I managed to turn around before I tagged onto the end and decided to make my own way around the gallery. I saw Patricia Piccinini's exhibition 'Relativity', which, with its lifelike, but also strangely fantastical, sculptures, was really quite intriguing. I spent quite a lot of time simply marvelling at the intricacy of the sculptures with their fingernails and mottled skin, and then being fascinated by the weirdness of her funny little creatures, on the one hand, grotesque with scales and babies coming out of gashes on their backs, and on the other hand, cute and vulnerable. They were so lifelike, I wouldn't have been surprised if they'd moved and as they were a lil' bit freaky, I did think I wouldn't want to be around for a night at the museum. I was kinda reminded of Ron Mueck's work (who, funnily enough, me and Ian saw an exhibition of when we were in Australia before many years ago), although his work was more freaky because of his use of disproportionate sizes rather than fantastical creatures, but again, really lifelike sculptures.

I then went to the State Library, which is also in the 'Culture Centre'. I had been informed that they have a good book shop of old library books for sale, and indeed they do. I imagine it's a bit hit and miss as to whether you'll come across a gem, but I managed to purchase a John Irving book and a Marge Piercy book for only $4. Bargain!

I couldn't take photos inside the exhibition but this is of the steps outside. The pink and orange colours reminded me a little of fruit salad chew sweets!

1 comment:

  1. wOw, that looks rad (i clicked the link). yr right, kinda mueck meets koons meets jim henson. this heathen fairytale stuff seems very de rigeur at the moment.
