Monday, September 6, 2010

Must we?

Saturday nite after a work meal (with partners - yesssss, it was a lil' bit scary - all of R's workmates and their respective wives/girlfriends!), we ended up at Must on Beaufort in Highgate. Now, I don't wanna be negative, and I must (ha ha) point out that we didn't eat there (R has eaten there before and apparently the food is good), and I can't complain about the wine, and maybe it's not always like this, and blah blah blah, I'm really not slating it, but, omg! Twas a lil' bit strange. I really felt like i'd gone back to the 90s. It was basically a wine bar (even saying those two words together makes me shudder slightly) with a, let's say, mature clientele. 40 something was the youngest and at 32, i felt positively youthful. there were lots of suave men with silver hair and laydees dressed up. And when I txt ian to (snootily, i know) snigger about this experience, he reminded me of the only fools and horses episode where del boy's in a 'yuppie' bar. Anyways, i won't be rushing to go back.... but maybe in 10 years, i'll be a regular.


  1. eek, that sounds a bit horrid! just like at the shakie then yeah? x

  2. k-lassik. yr post in turn has reminded me of this.

    (4:24 in, so great)

  3. i've only just see this comment and watched the link. That's so funny. i remember seeing it when it was on tv. And Trigger made a face.
