Thursday, September 16, 2010

it's fashion dahling

apparently it's perth fashion week this week... i wouldn't know this particularly because i rarely go into the city these days... unless it's to read magazines for free in Borders. And also because my style at the moment tends to be limited to daywear - lycra for exercising to evening wear - my pink velour pyjama pants (circa 1980s) and a headtorch (for x stitching... i kid you not!) I think i am actually the world's biggest dag. I'm therefore probably not the sort of person they'd want at perth fashion week anyways. But, i saw this on the Guardian website today, which is cute and if i had a printer i would actually print it out and colour it in, but then i do have a lot of time on my hands.


  1. that just made me laugh out loud! (imagining you sitting in your pink velour pj pants cross stitching with a head torch!).
    v cute doll to colour in! our printer isn't working, damn it.

  2. Hello,
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